Monday, March 12, 2012

ade KUPU-KUPU dalam pewott kite =P

First day final examination today.. 2.15pm to 5.15 pm. Held at DIAK???? Kat mane tuh?? Dalam UTM ke? Hahha.. xpenah dengar kn?? Aku pown baru taw bbrpa ari before start exam nie.hahaha..pelik2..nk tukar name katenye bangunan dalam UITM nie. Kalo xsilap la kn, DIAK tu stand for DEWAN IBNU AL-KHALDUN kowt. Ntahla,xsure.. xfamiliar lg ngan name tu. Xpela..abaikan la,lame-lame t ingate sebab ade lg 2 sem kat sini.hehe...Petang2 suram nie jugak die nak exam yang kene perah-perah ayat bunga2. Adoyainye pown...kalo BM buleyh la gak aku berpuitis.mudah..bahasa kebangsaan la katekan tapi masalahnye, ini BEL311...english man...mcm2 rase ade... seram? Adela jugak.ade hantu kowt lam exam hall tu. Baru buat. Suram? da tentu, tempat exam pown tertutup duk lam gua. Pastuh gementar?? Opkos..sbbnye paper final yang frst arini kan. Tapi redah aje... da la cuaca suam2 kuku. Matahari pown cam nak xnak je kuar. Maybe die faham kowt.xnak bagi kteorg tensen jawab paper first nie. Tapi aku je yg over siap ade KUPU-KUPU DALAM PEWOT lagik!! 

mcm nie ke kupu2 lam pewot aku??

Hhahahhaa...ntah camne blh nk ckp cmtuh td. Yela nk translate GOT BUTTERFLY IN MY STOMACH ke BM. Camtuh la jadiknye.. ayt tu bese gune tuk situasi yg kte rse takot..hahahhaha....nk p exam hall,ade kupu2 lam pewot..seb bek die xtenggewamm...sbbnye..mse smpi kat exam hall..die da jmpe jln kuar..hahaha. xsempat msok exam hall. Tu mksdnye, aku je yg gabra lebeyh..sbnrnye xde pape pown..over la aku da bese amik exam..strrt dr tadika lagik..iskh3..rilex ye..

tetibe MR.KUPU2 lam pewot ne nak bercakap..mne taw MR??hahahah..xkan MS plak kn??bahye tuh

Me: kupu2...awk jgn msok pewot sy lg ye..
Kupu2: nape pulak??
Me: yela..awk buat sy nebes le..
Kupu2: tp sy suke duk lam pewot awk..gewap taw..cume ckit lg je nk xpe..sbb sy SUKE!!!!
Me: aikkkk???????p/s: ape kene kupu2 nie???(rse cam nk cepuk2 je kupu2 nie!!)

sebelom merapu terlampau jaoh..phmkn la btol2 pe mksd kupu2 dalam pewot..ahhhah =P

I Have Butterflies in my Stomach

have butterflies (in your stomach)

to feel very nervous, usually about something you are going to do.

She had butterflies in her stomach as she prepared to talk in front of the class.

Olsen Twins LyricsButterflies In Your Stomach Lyrics 

When you got butterflies in your stomach
And it saids it in your mouth
Your body's signifying
It wants a way out
Cause you're scared that you might mess up
Afraid that you might goof
So when you're feeling really nervous,
Here is what you got to do

Just breath a little deeper
Sip a little water
Know that you'll be great
Everybody's gonna love it
Especially if you smile
When you step out on that stage
Ohh yeah! Ohh yeah! Ohh yeah! Ohh yeah!

Wow! I can't help it. I still have butterflies in my stomach
You know, it could be worse
Yeah, you could have a caterpillar up your nose
Ok, ok, ok
What did a dancer do when she hurt her foot?
She called a toe-truck

Now there's something that you must know
Since you've done this all before
Every fear is gonna leave you
When you step on that dance floor
Cause you're doing what you love most
And practiced for four years
And if you're dancing from your heart,
Then you will leave them all in tears, so

so..korang pilih la yang mne satu KUPU-KUPU pujaan hati ye.. 


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