Tuesday, April 17, 2012

unplanned trip to CH..!

again...i went to TANAH TINGGI PELAKON tuh...CAMERON DIAZ PUNYE TANAH TINGGI..Hahahahahaha...naa...CAMERON HIGHLAND again for holiday but this tyme with family. it was unplanned, suddenly and just a minute discussion...hahhahah..that is my family..asal boleh je nak redah semua..yang penting sume dapat relax..tenangkan fikiran and njoy!!

memandangkan aku da penah pegi and baru je lagi..xsampai sebulan pown lagi..so..everything is just the same environment and views.... its only the memories are different..we had a happy moment together..may this will continue forever....xoxo!!

so,these are a few pictures for u guys..especially kpd sesape yg pegi same ngan aku semasa study weeks tuh..nie nak jeleskan korang lagik..


sebenarnye nak tunjukkan gamba me+a bouquet of flower..ade org bg..tp sbb xsabar2 sgt nk update blog..bunge nie je la yang mampu tunjuk..gmba yg i ckp tuh kat hp k.cik..

nyummy!!strwberry with ice-cream or the other way...yang penting sdp banget deyh!!jgn jeles ek korang... kat bawah eskem tuh byk strwberry meyh...


blueberry cheesecake!

perghhh..nyaman seyh dpt makan bueberry cheesecake with honey mint tea sambil  menikmati permandangan ladang teh yang indah...=P



  1. Kite benci la awak dapat pegi ladang tehh tu lagik..rinduu tau kat ladang tehh tuu...waaaa...

  2. Tak tau kenape excited sangat gan ladang tehh tuu..haha

  3. ok....nie blh la trime ckit..blh la buat rmh kat dg teh pasni..compared to hghway..heheheh

  4. Ahaaa .amboii. .kite,mase obsess dengan highwayy tu sbb tak nampak lagi ladang tehh nii . haha
